XP: OAC logo design competition launched

Cross-posted from the OAC:

One item which has been pending since the creation of the OAC one year ago is an iconic logo representing the Open Anthropology Cooperative. There have been debates about the form and function of our activities here and the atmosphere and structure of our discussions. The OAC potentially means something distinct to each of us, but we are now at an important stage in moving forward, with the aid of the entire membership, to solidify our purpose and our role within the anthropological community. It seems fitting to launch a logo design competition to mark our one year anniversary and to give all members an opportunity to contribute to the identity of the site which we have each helped to construct.

The admin team would therefore like to encourage design submissions for a logo to represent the Open Anthropology Cooperative. If chosen, your design will appear on the header of this page as the official logo as well as on other OAC-related sites and initiatives, including the OAC Press. It will help to solidify our identity and recognition of the OAC on the web. The theme and style of the design is open. Feel free to be inspired by the Cooperative’s diversity of membership, its ambitious aims in promoting wider participation in anthropological discussion, encouraging cooperation and inspiring innovation, or any other experiences that you’ve had here.

The deadline for submissions is July 28, 2010. Voting on designs which meet the specifications detailed below will begin after that time.

Read more about how to submit your design and join in the conversation here.

In addition to your logos, we need your ideas for a reward for the winning designer! You can also reply to the thread if you have some suggestions or skills to add to a collaborative effort, but are unable to design it by yourself. What kind of logo would you like to see at the OAC? Something slick and minimalist? Something more colorful and techno-funky? Share your ideas with us.



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